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Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholder Involvement

SK gas pursuits stakeholder’s happiness.

SK gas pursuits stakeholder’s happiness.

With the establishment of a new management system SKMS, SK is placing emphasis on the 'happiness of stakeholders.' In other words, SK defines the ultimate purpose of management as "happiness of the members" and believes that the happiness of its members is only sustainable when pursued together with the happiness of the stakeholders.

Therefore, SK gas is strengthening communication with its stakeholders, listening to their opinions, defining stakeholders who influence through business, checking important topics of each stakeholder, and making efforts to reflect their feedback received in each channel of management. In addition, through continuous monitoring, we will respond to the needs of stakeholders which change according to social issues, in a timely manner. To this end, we reflected the related information in the company's Articles of Association through a resolution at the shareholders' meeting in March 2020 and also included it in the corporate governance charter.