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Use renewable energy

재생에너지 이미지
Renewable energy use ratio (RE)
52% by 2025
76% by 2030
100% by 2035

2035 use renewable energy(RE100)

2035 use renewable energy(RE100)

RE100 is an abbreviation for Renewable Energy 100% and is a global campaign in which companies aim to convert 100% of their energy consumption into renewable energy such as wind and solar power. Although SK gas is not an official RE100 participant, it has set a goal equivalent to the RE100 on its own and intends to voluntarily implement this goal by 2035.

SK gas plans to convert 52% of its energy to renewable energy by 2025 and 76% by 2030 and 100% by 2035. This year, as a start, we signed a green premium contract of 2.5GWh per year with KEPCO to convert about 10% of the total electricity consumption of all business sites to renewable energy, and we aim to achieve RE100% by 2035 through continuously installing solar panel and purchasing REC.

SK gas RE100 Roadmap

SK gas RE100 Roadmap

Scope 2 BAU [Unit : Thousand tCO2eq] (Consumed energy GWh)

  • 8.5


  • 9.2


  • 9.2


  • 9.2


RE ratio(%)

  • 10.0%
  • 52.0%
  • 76.0%
  • RE100