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Protect members' human rights

Protect members' human rights


SK gas seeks to take a step-by-step approach so that a culture of respect for human rights can be established, and a checklist has been developed with a third-party organization to conduct human rights impact assessments on a regular basis. In addition to continuously supplementing our human rights management system through human rights impact assessment, we are managing and improving our potential human rights risks in three major areas: ① prevention of sexual harassment, ② prevention of workplace harassment, and ③ respect for the human rights of persons with disabilities. To this end, we are making efforts to protect the human rights of our employees by selecting vulnerable groups for each risk and conducting continuous human rights education in parallel with system improvement.

[Mid and long-term roadmap for human rights management]


  • 2019~2021 Introduce human rights management

    Establish human rights management system
    Introduce and implement human rights impact assesment
    Change perception and understanding of human rights management
  • 2022~2024 Internalize human rights management

    Supplement and expand human rights impact assesment
    Expand human rights education
    (Expand training hours and diversify contents)
    Improve and implement system
  • 2025~ Establish human rights management

    Advance human rights management system
    Spread culture of respect for human rights

[Human rights risk implementation plan by category]

성희롱예방, 직장 내 괴롭힘 예방, 차별금지/장애인 인권보오의 추진계획표
Category Potentially vulnerable Action Plan
Sexual harassment prevention All members
  • Provide case study education through sexual harassment prevention education and ethical management education (Annually)
  • Protect victim and manage reporting/grievance process regulations and channel
    → Separately operate male/female staff in charge of reporting channel (from 2021)
Workplace harassment prevention All members
  • Conduct case study training to prevent workplace harassment
    → Organize and expand a separate curriculum (until 2021)
  • Manage victim protection and reporting/grievance process regulations and channel
Anti-discrimination/ protection of humanrights of persons with disabilities Members with disabilities
  • Conduct disabilities awareness training (Annually)
  • Continue to expand recruiting of disabled members
    (15 at the end of 2020 → 18 at the end of 2021 → 20 at the end of 2022)

※ The human rights grievance reporting channel is operated as an integrated reporting channel for human rights issues, including prevention of sexual harassment and workplace harassment (from 2021)


2018~2021년, 2025년 인권교육확대, 인권영향 평가, 인권보호 및 구제의 측정방법과 측정표
Category Measuring method Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021 2025
Expand human rights education Human rights education per staff Hour(s) 1.2 1.7 1.7 2.0 3.0
Human rights impact assesment Percentage of workplaces that received human rights impact assessment % - 100 100 100 100
Human rights protection and relief Number of cases handled / complaints received %
- -
Over 80%
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