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DBL Performance

DBL Performance

Every year, we promote the expansion of social value by deriving improvement directions through social value measurement and business model innovation.

Every year, we promote the expansion of social value by deriving improvement directions through social value measurement and business model innovation.

SK gas uses the ‘Double Bottom Line (DBL)’ as a key management indicator by measuring economic and social values together every year and establishing and implementing strategies to strengthen them. This is one of the business model innovation directions that SK group is focusing on.

Social Value (SV) measurement is ▲Economic indirect contribution performance (value that indirectly contributes to the domestic economy through corporate activities such as tax payment, dividend, and employment) ▲Business social performance (social value generated in the business process such as product/service development, production, and sales) ▲Social contribution social performance (value created through social contribution activities for the local community) carried out in these three areas.

  • 18~20년 고용, 배당, 납세 성과 그래프
    Economic indirect contribution performance
    Social achievements created through the transfer of economic resources to members/stakeholders during a company's economic activities, such as wages, taxes, dividends/interest, and taxes paid/used in society
  • 18~20년 제품/서비스, 사회, 환경성과 그래프
    Business social performance
    Social performance created through the production/distribution process of a company and its deliverable products and services
  • 18~20년 사회공헌활동, 기부/봉사활동 성과 그래프
    Social contribution social performance
    Social performance created through social contribution activities carried out by the company, such as local community donations, member volunteer activities, and CSR programs

SK gas has been announcing the results of social value measurement in the above three areas every year since 2018 and is striving to further enhance SV performance by applying ESG standards to invest in new businesses and reporting and obtaining approval from the ESG committee for annual management plans.