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External initiative response/participation

External initiative response/participation

GRI Index

GRI Index

SK gas undergoes third-party verification of quantitative and qualitative data for all ESG-related indicators and disclose information transparently in accordance with the core requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard, an international reporting guideline for sustainability management.

General Standards Disclosure

General Standards Disclosure - 조직프로필, 전략, 윤리 및 청렴성, 지배구조, 경영접근법의 설명과 페이지
Category Disclosure Description Page
Organizational profile 102-1 Organization name 6-9
102-2 Activities and flagship brands, products, and services
102-3 Headquarters location
102-4 Business area
102-5 Characteristics of ownership structure and legal form
102-6 Market area
102-7 Organization size
102-8 Information about employees and workers 70
102-9 Organization supply chain 73-74
102-10 Significant changes in organization and supply chain 2
102-11 Precautionary principles and approaches 14-15
102-12 External initiatives 99-100
102-13 Association membership
Strategy 102-14 Signature of top decision maker 2
102-15 Key impacts, crisis, and opportunities
Ethics and integrity 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and code of conduct 77-79
102-17 Ethics guidance and grievance handling mechanisms
Governance 102-18 Governance 18-21, 76-77
102-19 Delegation of authority
102-20 Executive responsibilities for economic, environmental, and social topics
102-21 Consultation with stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics
102-22 Composition of the top decision-making body and sub-committees
102-23 Chairman of the top decision-making body
102-24 Recommendation and selection of the chief decision-making body
102-25 Conflicts of Interest
102-26 The role of the highest decision-making body in setting goals, values, and strategies
102-27 Collective knowledge of the top decision-making body
102-28 Evaluation of the performance of the top decision-making body
102-29 Identification and management of economic, environmental, and social impacts
102-31 Review of economic, environmental, and social topics
102-32 The role of the top decision-making body on sustainability reporting
102-33 Communication on important issues
102-34 The nature and number of reports of major issues reported to the top governance body
102-35 Compensation policy
102-36 Remuneration determination procedure
Stakeholder Engagement 102-40 List of stakeholder groups relevant to the organization 22-25
102-41 Collective agreement
102-42 Stakeholder identification and selection criteria
102-43 Stakeholder engagement methods
102-44 Key themes and concerns raised through stakeholder engagement
102-45 Organizational structure of the reporting organization, including major business units, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures 6-7
Reporting practices 102-46 Defining the boundaries of reporting content and topics 16-17
102-47 Material topic list
102-48 Correction of previous report information About This Report
102-49 Change in reporting
102-50 Reporting period
102-51 Year of recent report publication
102-52 Reporting cycle
102-53 Inquiries regarding the report and related contents
102-54 GRI standard reporting 84-87
102-55 GRI Index
102-56 External verification 96-97
Management approach 103-1 Reason and influence of key topic selection 10-13, 16-17, 44,50, 54, 58, 62
103-2 Key topic management method
103-3 Management system evaluation method

Topic-specific Standards Disclosure

Topic-specific Standards Disclosure - 경제성과(경제성과, 간접 경제효과, 조달관행, 반부패, 반공정 경재행위), 환경성과(에너지, 용수 및 폐수, 생물다양성, 배출, 폐기물, 환경고충처리제도, 공급업체 환경평가), 사회성과(고용, 노사관계, 산업안전보건, 훈련 및 교육, 다양성과 기회균등, 인권평가, 지역사회, 공급망사회영향평가, 고객 안전보건, 마케팅 및 라벨링, 고객정보 보호, 사회경제적 법규준 설명과 페이지)
Category Disclosure Description Page
Economic Achievements (GRI 200)
Economic Achievement 201-1 Creation and distribution of direct economic value 70, 81-83
201-2 Financial impact of climate change on an organization's activities and other risks and opportunities 46-49
Indirect economic effect 203-1 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and support services for the public interest 56-57, 74-75
203-2 Significant indirect economic effects such as impact and scale 11
Procurement practices 204-1 Proportion of local purchases in key business areas 74
Anti-corruption 205-1 Business corruption risk assessment 77-78
205-2 Notice and training on anti-corruption policy and procedures
205-3 Identified corruption cases and actions taken
Unfair competition 206-1 Legal measures against unfair trade practices such as anti-competitive acts and monopoly 79
Environmental achievements (GRI 300)
Energy 302-1 Internal energy consumption 67
302-4 Reduce energy consumption 41, 67
Water and wastewater 303-1 Utilize and exchange shared water resources 78
303-2 Water release-related impact management
303-3 Water intake
303-5 Water consumption
Biodiversity 304-1 Business that owns, leases, or manages an ecosystem protected area/surrounding area 49, 74-75
304-2 Impact of business activities, products, services etc. on the ecosystem protected area/surrounding area
304-3 Habitat protection or restoration
Emission 305-1 Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) 67
305-2 Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)
305-5 Reduce GHG emissions
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other major air emissions 68-69
Waste 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts 69
306-2 Significant waste-related impacts management
306-3 Waste generation
306-4 Waste recycling
306-5 Disposed waste
Environmental grievance management system 307-1 Amount of major fines and number of non-monetary sanctions imposed for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations 69
Supplier environmental assessment 308-1 Percentage of new suppliers that have been screened for environmental standard assessment 73-74
Social achievements(GRI 400)
Employment 401-1 Number and percentage of newly hired workers 70
401-2 Welfare benefits provided to full-time workers by major business sites 64-65, 70-71
402-3 Percentage of return to work and tenure after parental leave by gender 71
Labor relations 402-1 Minimum notice period for business changes 80
Occupational safety and health 403-1 Occupational safety and health management system 71-72
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment and accident investigation
403-3 Occupational health services
403-4 Employee participation, consultation and communication on occupational health and safety
403-5 Worker training on occupation safety and health
403-6 Promote worker health
403-7 Prevention and reduction of occupational safety and health impacts directly linked by management relationships
403-8 Workers subject to the occupational safety and health management system
403-9 Work-related injuries
403-10 Work-related health conditions
Training and education 404-1 Average training hours per employee 71
404-2 Programs to strengthen employee competency and support transition 61, 65
404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews 71
Diversity and equal opportunity 405-1 Governance body and employee diversity 19, 70, 76
405-2 Gender base pay and compensation-related ratio 70
Human rights assessment 412-1 Worksites subject to human rights and impact assessment 73
412-2 Employee training on human rights policies and procedures related to business
Community 413-1 Percentage of community participation, impact assessment, and operation of development programs 56-57, 74-75
Supply chain social impact assessment 414-1 New suppliers screened through social impact assessment 73-74
414-2 Major negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
customer safety and health 416-2 Non-compliance with the health and safety impact of products and services 79
Marketing and labeling 417-2 Violation of laws and regulations related to product/service information and labeling 79
417-3 Violation of marketing/communication laws
Customer information protection 418-1 Number of complaints proven with customer privacy violations and loss of customer information 33, 72
Compliance with socioeconomic laws 419-1 Violation of laws and regulations in the social and economic sphere 79