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Tank Terminal Business

Tank Terminal Business

LPG is a clean and safe energy source

LPG is a clean and safe energy source

Tank terminal business started in 2012 as a new growth engine for the company.
The tank terminal business was in line with the company's medium-term growth strategies, which include regional/product/value chain expansion and business diversification. SK gas successfully secured another new growth engine for generating stable profits in the long term. Our tank terminal can store 3.1 million barrels of raw materials (UCO) and lubricating oil products (LBO, HBO) in 59 tanks containing a total of 490,000 kiloliters. SK gas built the terminal in Ulsan, investing about 300 billion won. It was completed in 2012 and is currently in commercial operation.

윤활유 탱크터미널

G.Hub, the site of the tank terminal business, is adjacent to SK Energy and SK Lubricant's plant and dock in the Ulsan Mipo National Industrial Complex, which makes the location suitable for smooth handling of liquid cargo. In line with the 'Northeast Asia Oil Hub' initiative of developing Ulsan Port into one of the world's four largest oil and logistics hubs, we will continue to explore and implement more growth opportunities.

지도에서 지허브㈜의 위치 - 노란색 반경안에 울산미포 국가산업단지내 SK에너지, SK루브리컨츠 공장 및 #3부두에 접해있는 지도이미지