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LPG Fuel cell

LPG Fuel cell

Eco-friendly global energy company

Eco-friendly global energy company

To keep up with industry trends of promoting the expansion of renewable energy generation and reducing environmental pollutants, SK gas has successfully developed, through collaboration with Doosan Fuel Cell, the world's first LPG/LNG dual fuel cell, which has completed the verification test. As a fuel supplier and an investor, SK gas has formed a consortium to develop a fuel cell power generation business which utilizes the LPG/LNG dual fuel cell. Dual fuel cells provide users with the option of selecting the type of fuel based on circumstances. This optimizes economic feasibility by reducing fuel costs and even allowing for power to be generated in remote areas such as island regions where LNG is not supplied.

What is a fuel cell?

A fuel cell is an eco-friendly power source that extracts hydrogen from LPG or LNG and produces electricity and heat at the same time through the chemical reactions of hydrogen and oxygen, without burning fuel.

During fuel cell power generation, air can be purified with air filtration filters, and pollutants are reduced in comparison to conventional power generation. Electricity produced through electrochemical reactions is supplied to KEPCO through the grid, and heat generated during chemical reactions is mainly supplied to heating businesses and is used for heating.

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