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Job Introduction

Job Introduction

We foster our members as top experts

We foster our members as top experts



Finance at SK Gas can be divided into finance, accounting, and financial planning. Finance entails financing and operation, financial structure management and risk management (hedge and bond management, etc.), and corporate credit management. Accounting conducts tasks such as prompt/accurate provision of management information to internal and external stakeholders, tax management, and business analysis. Financial planning conducts mid- to long-term cash flow management, investment proposal review, IR (Investor Relations), and public filing.



Strategy/Planning sets the company's mid- to long-term growth strategy and business portfolio, and establishes a mid-term management plan (To-be model) and a short-term management plan aligned with it. Regularly checks progress to achieve the corporate level and unit level goals, and supports the existing and new business to achieve their goals. Organizes and manages investment budgets and operating budgets for the operation and growth, and assists management decision making. Company-wide budget work can be largely classified into the operating budget used by each team within the company and the investment budget, which is the amount the company invests throughout the company. Budget work is to review whether budgets are appropriated as planned, while the investment management work leads/helps/checks whether the corporations and businesses that we invested are operating properly.



Human Resources (HR) is largely divided into HRM (Human Resources Management) and HRD (Human Resource Development). HRM plans and operates an efficient personnel system based on SK Gas’ vision and mission. Detailed tasks include planning/operating and labor relations uch as recruitment, evaluation, and compensation system. SK Gas seeks to improve competitiveness and value by securing and maintaining excellent human resources through above tasks. HRD conducts career development support for employees and plans training programs. HRD's goal is to develop individual competencies and improved understanding of SK Gas's vision and mission simultaneously to achieve the “warm professional” — the quality SK Gas seeks from our talents.