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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

SK gas strives to build sound corporate governance structures, befitting its status as a leading global company

SK gas strives to build sound corporate governance structures, befitting its status as a leading global company

Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Audit Committee
ㆍChairman Kim Kwangjun
ㆍMembers 3 outside directors (Kim Kwangjun, Jeong Jong Ho, Kim Yeon Geun)
ㆍDuty Accounting audit, Selection of external auditors, Evaluation of the operation
status of the internal accounting management system, etc.

Recommendation and Nomination Committee for Outside Directors

Recommendation and Nomination Committee for Outside Directors

Recommendation and Nomination Committee for Outside Directors
ㆍChairman Yoon Byung Suk
ㆍMembers 2 outside directors (Lee Sang Goo, Jeong Jong Ho) Director (Yoon Byung Suk)
ㆍDuty Recommendation of candidate for outside directors